We wtorek 3 października o godz. 10.30 zapraszamy na prezentację programu
Canada Study Tour 2023.
Canada Study Tour isorganized by the PolishAcademy of Canada in association with Carla Cuglietta from Young Leaders. World (Alberta Canada), and YLCC (Ontario, Canada) knownalso as PeregrineLeadership. During the tour studentsexplore Canadian cultures and currentissues of Canada throughtheirvisits to the major Canadian universities, governmental and environmentalinstitutions of Canada, and take part in the leadershipprograms and conferences (Global Student Leadership Conference). Canada Study Tour revolvesaround the concept of Canadian LEADERSHIP WITH HEART.
Prowadzenie – Amelia Szczepaniak, stypendystka tegorocznej I edycji programu.
Będzie możliwość pytań do Koordynatorki projektu – Pani Aliny Deja.